[VID] Dear Mr. Obama

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Postby Bricksolid » Fri Sep 12, 2008 12:28 pm

Harness are you serious? Where is this "poll"? They pull that number out of their fucking asses, i never remeber taking a poll. Those poll are just a bunch of shit to say look at how bad he is, when just the new station is bias. Just look at the coverage time of obama to mccain. Obama is being treated as a preisdent, while Mccain gets barly any mention. This is because the media wants who they support to be voted in. The admin didnt lie about WMD, idk where u got that. They made their best decision at the time. When America just got attack a few years earlier and saddam was believed to have WMD dont you think you try to get him out of power? Why would you think they would lie about that? Saddam wouldnt let us look, and when he did he said ok look here, but dont look here. Which probably he moved the weapons out to syria or iran. No one did war crimes thats just media hype of stupidness. If u were president and you delt with a terriorist attack prior. Wouldnt you think well if he does he will use them? Lets get him out of power before he can use them against us. How can you not believe that he shipped the WMD some where? You know you can split up the peices into little trucks, so easy to get across the border looks like a cilivian truck. I hate when idiots follow the media when they just say bullshit all day when it comes to politics, most of it is all bias, i havent really watched a news station thats isnt.
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Postby Jif » Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:06 pm

guess what, the liberal D congress' approval rating is lower than Bush's. it's the lowest approval rating for any congress in the history of polling. they campaigned on a platform of pulling out the troops and ending the war - didnt happen. why didnt it happen when they currently have the ability to pass almost any legislation they it want? they realized how big of a mistake it'd be when troops were pulled, then Iraq falls completely to insurgents, and the U.S. gets hit with terrorist attacks. This in itself doesnt bother them at all. it's getting BLAMED for these results that had them second-guess tropp withdraw. they dont give a shit about true American values, only our worldly image and the pure hatred of all war. theyre caught up in Mussolini's, Woodrow Wilson's, and Karl Marx's socialist writings. they're hooked on the radical writings of , considered the 1st "community organizer" of Chicago. sound familiar? his book, Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals, explains the best methods of enforcing radical socialist views on America. Many of Obama's more famous speeches have almost entire paragraph excerpts from it.

while the R's are STILL in a dimly-lit House chamber demanding a vote to increase energy supply, Peloci continued to call for the recess and then literally turned off the lights and went on a book tour touting her book that's been outsold by books on rock identification.

btw, Bush's stimulus checks weren't so nice considering we borrowed the entirety of the money from China... The stimulus checks were an economic mistake. the best way to boost the economy is to GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY and let the market work! Bush's usual hands-off approach got him a lot of flack from the mass media but we had some of the best economic years in earth's history under his policies.

government's role, as per the Constitution, is to provide safety and structure to the citizens and to ensure the rights listed in the Bill of Rights. nothing more. meanwhile we've got bills about "the right to healthcare" in both the House and Senate? i didnt see that anywhere in the Bill of Rights...

When was the last time any government did ANYTHING more efficiently than the private market? never.

funny how Fox is the "right wing station" when it's the only news channel that gives almost 100% equal coverage of both parties and 1/2 their political shows are co-hosted by members of both parties. a good news anchor is not a political commentator, and you wouldnt know their party affiliation just from their news readings. i can name on 1 hand the number of anchors who dont blatantly show their ideologies while claiming to be news reporters. i think Anderson Cooper is the only one employed by CNN and MSNBC is completely off the cliff biased. all MSNBC has to do is make their hosts come out and say, "hey, i'm a democrat voting for Obamamamma and here's how i interpret today's news." instead it gets passed off as straightforward! 2008 is the year journalism died in America.


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Postby Darkfoxx » Fri Sep 12, 2008 2:09 pm

Rabble Rabble Rabble!



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Elric of the void
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Postby Elric of the void » Fri Sep 12, 2008 4:49 pm

Heh, An just fyi Foxx, I am easily as conservative if not more than the other R's here ;)

I don't comment on these things cause my usual views are way too conservative for most republicans...

Hell I am a strong supporter of Bush as is ;)

only thing I find myself against him is his enviro policy. Remember my g/f is a tree hugger, shes swayed some of my scorch the earth for profit margin thought patterns ;)

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Postby Harness » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:44 pm

I type a bunch of shit then people go fuk themselves

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Postby Sonic » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:54 pm

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Got Allfum
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Postby Bricksolid » Fri Sep 12, 2008 6:42 pm

Ok well first off i didnt call you an idiot, i called the drones that follow it idiots, so if ur a drone ur an idiot. Secondly did you read this information or just parts of it? I read some parts and most of it is just garbage about what was happening and the talks about iraq and if it has nuclear weapons. Saying what Iraq was buying and illegeal buying stuff of that nature. Even still (im not going to read the whole thing) if bush did lie about the weapons why would he? No reason, power hunger? doesnt make since now does it. Did you see the satellite photos of Iraq's "power plants" that looked like nuclear plants and had no wires coming out of in the middle of the desert? O thats right Iraq blew it up when we invaded, how strange. If i could find those pictures i will post it.
What's necessary in a fight isn't fear.

Nothing can be born from that.

If you dodge, "I won't let them cut me".

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